Thursday, December 4, 2014 link to the poject ^^

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Tuesday, October 28, 2014 the music video i chose was lover of the light- mumford and sons. the longest shot was about 15   seconds at the very beginning

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

The last Meal
 Honestly the fact that we used to give people a "last meal" is very inconsistent with the whole purpose behind the death penalty. Sure, there is something to be said about a little bit of mercy and allowing these men to get one last favorite meal before they die but It's still bullshit. The death penalty pretty much means that we have given up on this individual, so why bother giving up them a last meal? Why bother going out of our way to give a last meal to someone we have given up on while people are starving around the world? If we as humans can truly give up on someone then you might as well be consistent. Don't show a little bit of mercy at the last second when you send them to their death. The pictures in these websites do a great job of trying to humanize these criminals but I believe it's biased. You cannot compare people by their food choices. If you just show their food choices visually then it takes away from the actual reason they were incarcerated. It's easy to feel bad for someone when you just see there last meal.  If instead of a meal they showed pictures of the victims family members being affected by their crimes it would have a much different result.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

The Rise of The NBA NERD
        Throughout the article the Author tries to point out the stark difference in the way these NBA players are treated to the way normal people were treated for dressing this way. He showed this in the way that Carlton from the "french prince of bel-air" was constantly harassed for dressing preppy and wanting to be successful. Although these points are important, I think the over-arching point to the article is the way these NBA players are changing the outlook of the youth. When the youth see there favorite players and idol dressing like the people they have made fun of their whole childhood it tends to change their outlook on the "nerds" they pick on. I think this is most apparent in the suburban  atmosphere in which "nerds" aren't really nerds anymore. The real test, I believe, comes in the urban atmosphere to see if these NBA stars can really make a difference in the outlook of the black culture.There is a harsh stigma in the urban culture that if you grow up in the inner city you are doomed to a rough life. If the NBA players can change this stigma just by dressing "nerdy" and making it cool to want to look good and intelligent this would be HUGE for society as a whole.

Monday, September 8, 2014

TED talks

Clint Smith- the danger of silence

                   Wow, I have not seen many videos with a message that is presented soo clearly and beautifully that its just sends shivers down my spine. Clint Smith is a master at word play and the art of spoken word poetry. He presents himself with great posture and uses a huge vocabulary that just radiate confidence and understanding. He looked like he knew exactly what he wanted to say and didn't hesitate. He spoke line after line at a rather quick pace yet never forgot his lines once. That just goes to show just how much he must have practiced before he took the stage. The most impressive part of his speech, in my opinion, is his use of vocab and metaphors "Silence is the residue of fear. It is feeling your flaws gut-wrench guillotine your tongue". This line by itself tells you just how smart he is. To get your point across while painting a vivid picture is an immensely strong tool for a speech. He uses examples that everyone can relate to and he does a great job not alienating people. Overall, this speech is fantastic and it really makes you think about "silence".

Aurthor Benjamin- A performance of Mathemagic
             Aurthor Benjamin tries to show us how he can calculate numbers in his head while still entertaining the audience.
           pros: He had great stage presence. He moved across the entire stage while interacting with the entire crowd too make sure that every one was involved with his demonstration.
                    He was funny. Aurthor did a great job at making witty comments and jokes that made the entire crowd burst with laughter. He was the perfect quirky math nerd.
                    He knew his stuff. He did a great job not missing a single calculation while still interacting with the crowd to ensure that they believe in what he was doing.
       cons:He stuttered a little bit and his posture was a little too leaned forward. But these where all very minor shortcomings.

Overall he had a fantastic speech that captivated and impressed the audience. He was clear, concise, and a very charismatic mathematician,

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Scott Mendelson  has an interesting new take on the celebrity photo leak scandals going around. He believes that it is not the celebrity's fault that the pictures got out, and that its their right to take nude pictures if they want too. He states that "It is a crime of theft with the intent to exploit its victims as punishment for the unpardonable sin of being female". But, is this really the case? Lets be honest, no one just takes nude photos of themselves for "fun" or for personal enjoyment. Most people would take a nude picture of themselves to send to a prospective lover, or a very very close friend. Bottom line there was a reason these pictures where taken. If you willingly take a nude picture of yourself you understand and accept the risk of it getting out because everything is connected. People get their identity's stolen every single day, so why would pictures on a cell phone be any safer? I do believe that its wrong to steal files and upload them without consent, but I also believe in common sense, and common sense would dictate if you don't want the world to see you naked you probably shouldn't be taking pictures naked.

Saturday, August 30, 2014

YO, my name is Justin Wheeler im from Cincinnati,OH and my song for the year of 2014 is Sunshine by Atmosphere. This year was all about chilling with my friends before I leave and just enjoying the sun.